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Psychology Pioneers

Psychology Pioneers

The aim of this page is to showcase the life and work of psychology's most eminent pioneers.

Eminent Women in Psychology

In celebration of International Women's Day, All-About-Psychology.Com presents a showcase of some of the most eminent women in the history of psychology. See following link for full details.

Eminent Women in Psychology

Historical Pioneers

Alfred Adler

(Feb 7, 1870 - May 28, 1937)

Alfred Adler

A hugely influential figure, Alfred Adler is rightly heralded as the first community psychologist. Decades ahead of its time and rooted in social welfare, social justice, equality and the importance of education; Adlerian psychology, also known as individual psychology still resonates as strongly as when Adler began to articulate his ideas in the early part of the 20th Century.

See following link to learn all about the life and work of psychology legend Alfred Adler.

Alfred Adler

Sigmund Freud

(May 6, 1856 - Sep 23, 1939)

Sigmund Freud

One of the most revered and reviled thinkers of the 20th century, Sigmund Freud developed psychoanalysis as a method of exploring the unconscious mind. 

See following link to learn all about the profoundly influential life, work and legacy of Sigmund Freud.

Sigmund Freud

William James

(Jan 11, 1842 - Aug 26, 1910)

Psychology Pioneer William James

William James was one of the most eminent figures in the history of psychology, James is best known for his hugely influential work 'The Principles of Psychology,' first published in 1890 and widely regarded as the most important English language psychology book ever.

See following link to learn all about the life and work of psychology legend William James.

William James

Carl Jung

(July 26, 1875 - June 6, 1961)

Carl Jung

Increasingly disaffected with the central ideas of his old friend and mentor Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung broke away to establish analytical psychology; a school of inquiry designed to explore the deepest recesses of the human mind.

Jung's revolutionary psychoanalytical approach had a profound impact across a range of diverse fields including, psychology, philosophy, mythology, anthropology, theology and the arts and many of his most influential psychological concepts; archetypes, persona, collective unconsciousness, synchronicity, introvert/extrovert personality types etc, continue to be taught and studied throughout the world today.

See following link to learn all about the life, work and legacy of Carl Jung.

Carl Jung

Kurt Lewin

(Sep 9, 1890 - Feb 12, 1947)

Kurt Lewin

A profoundly influential figure within the field of social psychology, Kurt Lewin was instrumental in demonstrating that experiments on groups could be conducted under precisely controlled conditions and in doing so pioneered the scientific study of group dynamics.

See following link to learn all about the life and work of psychology pioneer Kurt Lewin.

Kurt Lewin

Carl Rogers

(Jan 8, 1902 - Feb 4, 1987)

Carl Rogers

One of the most eminent psychologists of the 20th century, Carl Rogers was profoundly influential in the humanistic movement towards person centered theory and non-directive psychotherapy. A prolific writer, 'Client-Centered Therapy' (1951), 'On Becoming a Person' (1961) and 'A Way of Being' (1980) rank among his most important published work.

See following link to learn all about the life and legacy of Carl Rogers.

Carl Rogers

B.F. Skinner

(Mar 20, 1904 - Aug 18, 1990)

B.F Skinner

One of the most eminent figures in the history of psychology, Burrhus Frederic (B.F) Skinner's advocacy of radical behaviorism and the experimental analysis of behavior were profoundly influential. Within his groundbreaking body of work, 'Behavior of Organisms' (1938) and 'Verbal Behavior' (1957) are widely considered major contributions to human thought.

See following link to learn all about the life and work of B.F. Skinner.

B.F. Skinner

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