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Psychological Theories

I’ve set a lofty or an over ambitious goal of reading and gathering psychological theories or principles starting from prehistorical religion up until the most recent publication in the most prestigious, credible psychology journal. But I have the following questions in mind:

1) Is it an unrealistic goal? is it possible to accomplish such a seemingly humongous task?
is there any resource that did cover this?

2) If this is too unrealistic, how can I deal with the fear of missing out potentially valuable psychology knowledge? I’ve read some suggestions like prioritizing or focusing on interest and some others here that, in thought, is unworkable or not satisfactory. Any suggestions that upon it coming to be known will calm or pacify my fear or worry?

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by: Coleen Kim

Setting a goal to explore the vast landscape of psychological theories and principles from prehistorical religion to the latest publications in prestigious psychology journals is indeed ambitious. I hope the following thoughts help address your questions and concerns.

Realism of the Goal:

It's important to acknowledge that fully mastering every psychological theory and principle is an immense undertaking that may be unrealistic to achieve comprehensively. The field of psychology is vast and continually evolving, making it challenging for any individual to encompass all aspects.

While there may not be a single resource that covers every theory and principle from prehistorical religion to the present day, there are comprehensive textbooks, academic journals, and online resources that offer broad coverage of key concepts in psychology. Additionally, university courses and academic programs provide structured education in various subfields of psychology.

While it may not be feasible to achieve exhaustive knowledge in every area of psychology, setting more manageable and targeted learning goals can still lead to meaningful and valuable insights.

Dealing with Fear of Missing Out (FOMO):

It's natural to feel a sense of FOMO when confronted with the vastness of psychological knowledge. However, it's important to recognize that it's impossible to know or learn everything, and attempting to do so can lead to overwhelm and burnout.

Instead of trying to cover every aspect of psychology, consider focusing on areas of personal interest or relevance to your goals and aspirations. Prioritize topics that resonate with you or have practical applications in your life or career.

Embrace the concept of selective ignorance, which involves deliberately choosing to ignore or filter out information that is not essential or relevant to your goals. By being selective about what you consume and focusing on quality over quantity, you can avoid information overload and maintain a sense of clarity and focus.

Cultivate a growth mindset, which emphasizes the value of continuous learning and improvement rather than achieving perfection or mastery. Recognize that knowledge is dynamic and evolving, and there will always be opportunities to expand your understanding and expertise over time.

In summary, although it may be unrealistic to achieve a comprehensive understanding of all psychological theories and principles, there are practical steps you can take to pursue meaningful learning and growth in the field of psychology. By setting realistic goals, focusing on areas of interest, and embracing a growth mindset, you can navigate the vast landscape of psychological knowledge with confidence and purpose.

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