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Program Compliance Measure

by Amanda
(Chicago, IL, USA)

I am a doctoral student in clinical psychology. For my dissertation, I would like to find some kind of assessment or measure that will give me data on program compliance and/or utilization. More specifically, it would ask participants whether they feel they are being compliant with a program, and the extent to which they feel they are utilizing all components of the program. Are there any measures like this out there? Or will I need to be developing my own?

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Potential Measures
by: Dan

Here are some existing measures that may align with your research objectives. These measures have been designed to gauge participants' perceptions of their adherence to a program and the extent to which they engage with its components. Here are a few options you might consider:

Program Adherence Scale: This type of scale assesses participants' perceived adherence to the program's recommendations, guidelines, or instructions. It often includes items that reflect how consistently participants followed the program's requirements.

Treatment Engagement Scale: This scale focuses on participants' active involvement in the program. It typically covers aspects such as attendance, participation, and enthusiasm toward the program's activities.

Utilization of Treatment Components Questionnaire: This questionnaire evaluates participants' utilization of specific components of a program. It may include items related to the frequency and extent to which they engage with various aspects of the program.

Perceived Program Compliance Inventory: This inventory assesses participants' subjective beliefs about their compliance with the program. It could encompass their understanding of program goals, their perceived consistency, and their perceived adherence to recommendations.

Therapeutic Alliance Scale: While not solely focused on compliance and utilization, this scale assesses the quality of the therapeutic relationship between participants and the program. A strong alliance can influence engagement and compliance.

Participant Feedback Surveys: Creating a survey that combines items related to compliance, utilization, and participants' perceptions of the program's effectiveness can provide comprehensive insights.

Customized Questionnaire: Depending on the specific nature of your program, you might consider developing a tailored questionnaire that targets the unique aspects of compliance and utilization relevant to your study.

Before developing your own measure, it's prudent to conduct a thorough literature review to identify existing scales that align closely with your research goals. Adapting and validating an existing measure could save time and effort, ensuring the reliability and validity of your data collection. However, if you find that no existing measure precisely matches your needs, developing your own assessment tool might be a worthwhile endeavor.

In either case, it's essential to ensure the psychometric properties (reliability and validity) of the chosen measure. Piloting the measure with a small group and conducting analyses to assess its reliability and validity can enhance the robustness of your findings.

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