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Mimicking Behavior

by Trent
(Irvine, CA, USA)

Photo Credit: Duncan

Photo Credit: Duncan

My cousin seems to be obsessed in doing, wearing, mimicking everything that I do. Is there a name for this type of behavior? She will even try to steal my friends both male and female.

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Mimicking Behavior
by: Rhasheeda Davis

There is a stage of Psychological Development created by Erik Erickson.

Right now, she could be in the Industry vs. Inferiority stage. The ages range from age 6-12 years of age, but stages/ages DO overlap.(meaning that it doesn't just occur in this range of age)

This stage is basically when children figure out if they are ('A's) or ('F's).

Your cousin may feel inferior and 2nd best to others. Maybe that is why she is kind of feeding off of YOUR style, and actions. She may look up to you, and since she does, she may do what you do because it is probably considered 'cool'. She might not want to do her OWN thing because she has been thinking of herself as 2nd best to others so she uses someone else who she looks up to and is inspired by.

Hope this helps!!! :)

Mimicking Behavior
by: Anonymous

Sounds like he or she is having an identity crisis.

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