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Attached To my Psychotherapist

by Nora

Photo Credit: Richard Summers

Photo Credit: Richard Summers

I have seen numerous Mental Health professionals since I was 15 for mood swings, anger, anxiety, depression, ptsd, phobias, impulses & now as of 3yrs ago, Bipolar 1. Relocated after my husband deployed, I have a new & VERY different therapist for 3 months now.

1- He's Male. Strangely I am very comfortable with him. I've had all types of abuse & abandonment by men, so I've always had a female Therapist.

2-Something new to me, we began Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy 3 wks ago.

He has helped me more in 3 months than all my therapists together in 10 yrs have! My husband's deployment got cut short & I'm extremely upset that I have to move now. I feel a strong trust & comfort bond with him. He has helped me overcome so much pain from my past & has taught me how to use CBT which has changed me SO much! I'm just so thankful that I had the chance to meet him and so grateful for his knowledge & help.

Now I feel like I'm the one doing the abandoning in my life. I don't understand why I feel this way? I do know I don't have an intimate like emotional attachment to him. It's just took me this long to find someone who could help me like he has. I've grown very fond and have become completely trusting and open with him. I'm at the point when I just want to quit therapy. I don't feel like taking another 10 year journey exploring for the right Psychologist.

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by: Anonymous

Finding a good therapist with whom you can relate is very difficult. I had the same problem some years ago. The time I was able to spend with the therapist I finally found after years of searching was such a blessing. I found that after I could no longer see him that the wisdom and insight gained from sessions with him was invaluable in helping me to live a more fulfilling life. I have come to realize that the anger and frustration that I carried for so long after my childhood cannot be forgotten; lthough it can be tempered and a sense of forgiveness and pity for those who inflicted so much pain on my heart and soul has arisen in its place. The burden I carried for their mistreatment of me has been lifted and a feeling of lightness envelopes me. Most of this occured after my sessions ended. I believe that my therapist provided me with the tools to continue my own healing without him.

Only you can know if you have reached this stage in your treatment. If you continue to need the guidance of a good therapist, I urge you to continue to seek the one you need. You now have the ability to recognize much sooner if you are seeing someone who can't help you. The time spent in finding another is well worth it in terms of life satisfaction.

Good luck to you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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