They Saw A Game: A Case Study

(Hadley Cantril & Albert Hastorf)

They Saw A Game: A Case Study by Hadley Cantril and Albert Hastorf

This iconic study in selective perception demonstrates how an Ivy League football game was perceived differently by opposing fans, particularly in relation to their opponents "blatantly unsportsmanlike play".

This simply designed psychology classic formed the basis for additional research into concepts such as social cognition and cognitive bias.

A Psychology Classic

Note to psychology students. If you ever have to do a paper, assignment or class project on the Bobo doll experiment, having access to Bandura's original publication in full will prove invaluable. A psychology classic is by definition a must read; however, most landmark texts within the discipline remain unread by a majority of psychology students. A detailed, well written description of a classic study is fine to a point, but there is absolutely no substitute for understanding and engaging with the issues under review than by reading the authors unabridged ideas, thoughts and findings in their entirety.

They Saw A Game: A Case Study forms part of an initiative by the website to make important, insightful and engaging psychology publications widely available. Sales help support the website which has been providing free and comprehensive information and resources for students and educators since 2008.

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