The Eight Pillars of Joy

Healing Through Cultivating A Relationship With The Divine: Spiritual And Psychotherapeutic Practices To Support Your Ordinary Life

Dr. Robin B. Dilley

The Eight Pillars of Joy, book cover and description.

A Word From The Author

In this little book, I am focusing on a Buddhist teaching called the eight pillars of Joy. I will weave in psychotherapy practices to help you move forward. The 8 Pillars of Joy are:

1. Perspective     

2. Humility     

3. Humor     

4. Acceptance     

5. Forgiveness     

6. Gratitude     

7. Compassion  

8. Generosity

The writing and perspective in this book belong to me, Dr. Robin B. Dilley. However, the ideas, philosophy, and teachings are part of a much bigger and deeper book called The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu with Douglas Abrams.

I saw something in these teachings I wanted to visit and integrate into my daily life in a meaningful way. So, you the reader can go from beginning to end or you can choose the word which intrigues you most and start there.

In this book we’ll look at each word, and make it practical and applicable to your daily life. There will be reflective questions for you to journal your response as well as ritual and prayer exercises you might find useful. These exercises will help you focus on cultivating your relationship with the divine.

The Eight Pillars of Joy is available to buy online internationally from Amazon.

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About The Author

Dr. Robin B. Dilley

Dr. Robin B. Dilley is an Arizona Licensed Psychologist who has spent the majority of her professional life working with a diverse group of clients from a family systems perspective, assisting each of them along their path of healing their shame, making connections through attachment healing, and helping them build productive and meaning lives. The author of several books, Dr. Dilley's other published work includes ABC Workbook For Cancer Patients.

Since her own battle with breast cancer, Dr. Dilley has focused on expanding her practice to cancer survivors through writing and the spiritual and mindful practice of Labyrinth Walking. Currently she is offering monthly Zoom workshops. She is an advanced Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator and is the Owner of Arizona Labyrinth Connections: Transformation One Step at a Time.

You can learn more the work of Dr. Dilley by visiting her website and you can connect with her online via Facebook and LinkedIn.

Join her newsletter, Continue Your Journey by texting DRDILLEY to 22828.

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