The Bobo Doll Experiment

Transmission of Aggression Through Imitation of Aggressive Models

(Albert Bandura, Dorothea Ross, Sheila Ross)

The Bobo Doll Experiment by Albert Bandura

Albert Bandura was one of the world's most frequently cited psychologists. His ground-breaking work within the field of social learning and social cognitive theory led to a paradigm shift within psychology away from psychodynamic and behaviorist perspectives. 

A Psychology Classic

Note to psychology students. If you ever have to do a paper, assignment or class project on the Bobo doll experiment, having access to Bandura's original publication in full will prove invaluable. A psychology classic is by definition a must read; however, most landmark texts within the discipline remain unread by a majority of psychology students. A detailed, well written description of a classic study is fine to a point, but there is absolutely no substitute for understanding and engaging with the issues under review than by reading the authors unabridged ideas, thoughts and findings in their entirety.

Bonus Material 

Transmission of Aggression Through Imitation of Aggressive Models builds upon some of Albert Bandura's previously published work. Among the most notable of these earlier publications is Identification as a Process of Incidental Learning; which is also presented in full.

Want To Read More Psychology Classics?

All About Psychology has its own Amazon store, which includes a collection of the most important and influential journal articles ever published in the history of psychology, which you can access via the following link.

The Psychology Classics Collection 

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