Peace from Anxiety

Get Grounded, Build Resilience, and
Stay Connected Amidst the Chaos

Hala Khouri

Peace from Anxiety: Get Grounded, Build Resilience, and Stay Connected Amidst the Chaos, book cover and description.

Overwhelming anxiety and stress–most of us experience these feelings at some point. The challenges in our lives threaten to overpower us at times and the struggles we see in the world further add to the burden. Peace from Anxiety helps us understand the deep roots of our suffering so that we can work toward finding more peace–even in chaos. Therapist and yoga teacher Hala Khouri takes us on a journey to investigate our personal habits, understand our lives, and transform what doesn’t serve us. Even though the roots of our anxiety, stress, and pain may feel complicated, healing doesn’t have to be.

Khouri explores how our brain and nervous system experience stress and discusses how we can begin to get in touch with our body to better understand its signals and how to handle them. She delves deeply into the primary causes of anxiety and offers practical tools for releasing stress and being present with discomfort. Peace from Anxiety discusses topics including trauma, relationships, technology, and working not only for individual healing but also collective healing in our world. Filled with relatable stories and examples, each chapter offers a range of practices and tools to help us find more peace and work for good in our own lives and the lives of others. 

CLICK HERE to read the introduction and chapter one of Peace from Anxiety

I can say positively, and with the authority of someone who has been extremely candid in the public eye about her experience with anxiety, that this is the book we’ve all been waiting for. Whether you yourself deal with anxiety isn’t a prerequisite for reading, because you know someone who does. We all do. This beautiful book is a guide on how to be human. Filled with grace, practical lessons, and guidance, Hala Khouri has offered us a life-saving gift. (Jennifer Pastiloff, author of On Being Human)

Peace from Anxiety is available to buy from your local bookseller and online internationally in print, kindle & audio versions from Amazon.

Hala Khouri, MA, is a therapist, yoga teacher, and somatic experiencing practitioner known for her nuance, compassion, and humor in addressing difficult topics such as stress, anxiety, and trauma. One of the founders of Off the Mat and Into the World, Hala teaches workshops on yoga, anxiety, trauma, resilience, and social justice nationally.

You can learn more about Hala by visiting her website and you can connect with her online via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube

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