Happy Singlehood: The Rising Acceptance
and Celebration of Solo Living

Dr. Elyakim Kislev

Happy Singlehood by Dr. Elyakim Kislev, book cover and description.

Happy Singlehood charts a way forward for singles to live life on their terms, and shows how everyone - single or coupled - can benefit from accepting solo living. Based on personal interviews, quantitative analysis, and extensive review of singles’ writings and literature, author Elyakim Kislev uncovers groundbreaking insights on how unmarried people create satisfying lives in a world where social structures and policies are still designed to favor marriage.

In this carefully crafted book, Kislev investigates how singles nurture social networks, create innovative communities, and effectively deal with discrimination. Happy Singlehood challenges readers to rethink how single people organize social and familial ties in new ways, and illuminates how educators, policymakers, and urban planners should cater to their needs.

Bringing together first-person accounts and data analysis, Kislev takes us on a global tour de force of demographic change, skillfully charting the rise of "singlehood" worldwide and capably detailing its implications for inequality and wellbeing. This is an immensely readable and welcome addition to the literature on single life and a call to action for scholars and policymakers alike. (Prof. Alondra Nelson, President, Social Science Research Council)

Click Here To Read An Excerpt From Happy Singlehood

Happy Singlehood is available to order from your favorite bookseller and in print, kindle and audio versions from Amazon.

Dr. Elyakim Kislev

Elyakim Kislev received his Ph.D. in sociology from Columbia University and holds three master’s degrees in counseling, public policy, and sociology. He was awarded the U.S. Department of State Fulbright Fellowship and the Award for Outstanding Fulbright Scholars. Dr. Kislev writes for Psychology Today and is currently a faculty member in the School of Public Policy and Government at the Hebrew University, specializing in minorities, social policy, and singles studies.

You can learn more about the groundbreaking work of Dr. Kislev by connecting with him online via LinkedIn and Twitter.

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