Freedom From Depression: 6 Keys to Eliminating Emotional Pain

Dr. Tony Piparo

Freedom From Depression: 6 Keys to Eliminating Emotional Pain

  • Is your life plagued with stress, anxiety, and overwhelming sadness?
  • Do you feel tightness in your chest or find it difficult to catch your breath?
  • Do you think constantly about problems that seem to have no solution?
  • Do you have difficulty controlling your thoughts and emotions?
  • Do you think the worst about yourself, your life, or the world in general?
  • Have you lost your zest for life or motivation to live? do you feel hopeless and helpless?

If so, you may be one of tens of millions of people worldwide who suffer from a runaway fight-or-flight reflex and Negative Programming Cycle. While genetics, biology, stressful life experiences and personal problems put you at greater risk for developing depression, these two factors affect everyone suffering from this disabling disease. While feelings of worry, dread, panic, social unease, and general anxiety are common, their impact is insidious, leaving sufferers feeling worn out and often hopeless. You may not be able to do anything to lessen the impact the above risk factors pose, but you have the power to control how you respond to anything that causes distress. This book is your first step towards happiness and success.

Drawing on fresh insights into the causes of depression, Dr. Piparo gets to the heart of the problem and offers readers practical, simple, and effective methods to reverse the effects of fight-or-flight and transform Negative Programming Cycles into Positive Programming Cycles. Intervening in and reversing the effects of these two common experiences stops them in their tracks and absolutely keeps you from falling into the rabbit hole of depression.

Freedom From Depression is an incredible source of information on depression. I feel like I've taken a 3 credit graduate level course just from reading it. Dr. Piparo gives his personal experiences and family history with depression, along with techniques and strategies to reduce and eliminate the illness. He has thoroughly researched and integrated his firsthand knowledge with this devastating mental health issue. Piparo, has created an outstanding literary work in terms easily understood by ordinary people. This is a must read for those suffering from depression or provides care for someone who is affected by it. (Heddy Keith, author of Through It All)

About The Author

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Dr Tony Piparo is an international best-selling author, sought-after speaker, award-winning researcher, as well as a stress and anxiety relief coach. His clients include athletes and business professionals afflicted with performance anxiety, students suffering from test anxiety, and anyone struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, or trauma in their daily life.

Over the past 25+ years, Dr. Piparo has literally helped thousands of people overcome the adverse affects of stress and anxiety on their health, productivity, and quality of life. His credentials include:

  • MS in Education – specializing in Learning Theory
  • MS in Kinesiology – Study of Human Movement
  • PhD in Performance Psychology

Among his many research awards, Dr. Piparo earned the 1992 American Psychological Association’s Dissertation of the Year honors for his work on concentration and performance in sport. In addition to his academic training, Dr. Piparo also has specialized training in NLP, Trauma Release Therapy, and Brain Gym™.

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