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by Leslie

I took this introduction to psychology class in college and my professor said that most people don't daydream (maybe dream too, I don't remember) in new story lines or in pictures but they mostly just live conversions over and over in their heads.

I've always made up stories while day dreaming and in pictures. It never even occurred to me that anyone didn't at least day dream in pictures.

Is this true or did I somehow mishear, or maybe she was wrong?

Thanks :)

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by: Anonymous

Your teacher might just be speaking for the average, but I for one, like you, daydream (and dream too for that matter) in very clear, visual images.

I, too, watch fictional scenarios and story lines completely unrelated to what I did that day or what I was just thinking about. Just because you're not average, doesn't mean there's anything wrong...

Perhaps you're just a visual thinker and a little more creative than most!

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